About me

While I don’t believe it’s relevant to talk much about me, a short post might be useful for the curious out there to maybe connect the who with the what; the writer with the content.

Otherwise, please feel free to skip this!

Born in Mexico City, I’m officially and architect but consider myself a multidisciplinary creative.

I enjoy everything related to the arts and because I am a highly observant mind, I’ve developed and eye for anything visual and spacial. I tend to focus my everyday work on interior design, residential construction, graphic design and photography.

I want to highlight photography because it’s been a way for me, since the late 90’s, to capture special and unique moments. As far as I can remember, I’ve always believed that us humans, the only thing we really own, is our memories.

Because of the fragility of these and because of our tendencies to forget and dismiss, I’ve chosen to write about some of them.

I hope you enjoy.


“A jugar” exhibit - MUNAVI


Thoughts behind ARARAR